Sep 5, 2020

Five in the Bed

Five in the Bed, 24"x24" 

I love yellow legal pads. I buy stacks of them at Costco and always have one by my bed. Before I go to sleep at night, I write about my day, sorting through big feelings and trying to remember what I'm thankful for.

During quarantine, I've been writing my life story, going through the boxes of journals and yellow pads, finding gems and making notes. All these disparate parts of me come back, obediant, angry, critical, curious. The shy teenager, the first grade teacher, the world traveler, the new mom, the artist--they all climb into bed with me and influence my dreams.

Quarantine has been going on for six months now, and it's been boring and frightening and lonely. But I'm very grateful for these months of quiet reflection and getting reaquainted with these fascinating bed fellows.

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