Oct 17, 2017

Hello Again

It's been a year and a half since I've posted here, but now seems like a good time to start again. Last week I had one of those Cinderella moments--a solo show opening at the SHOH Gallery in Berkeley. It was so amazing to see my new work well-hung and lit. Thank you Julie! And friends from all corners of my life came out to celebrate, and Gael played amazing cello.

Then this past weekend was Hunters Point again. The parking lot was replaced by huge earth moving vehicles, but people came anyway. I sat to one side of my basement space and watched people shuffle past, and sometimes someone would stop, pause, grab a friend's hand, and look at the work again. Thank you, Will and Liz, for sharing your hearts.

Now my bags are packed and by the door. Tonight I fly to Paris with my husband and daughter with London 9 days later. Frankly, I feel so depleted from the full week and the news of the California fires. This trip feels very timely. I'm praying for God's glasses, seeing this tourist mecca in new ways and looking for fresh inspiration.

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